
2022-11-15: The conference program has been published

2022-11-15: Whova is an official conference app

2022-10-26: Book of abstracts is announced

2022-10-20: Grant from Ministry of Education and Science

Exciting news! The organizing committee of the 14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2022) is thrilled to announce the successful acquisition of a financial grant from the Ministry of Education and Science. This grant, awarded under the Excellent Science program, will significantly bolster the conference's initiatives.
The funds will be directed towards supporting a scientific workshop for emerging researchers and publishing an open-access abstract book. This financial backing further solidifies ACIIDS as a trendsetter in modern hybrid scientific meetings, with enhanced networking opportunities facilitated by Whova software for on-site and remote participants.
ACIIDS, under the leadership of Professor Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, continues to represent and promote science on the international stage. The conference has been categorized as level B in the CORE ranking since 2021, underscoring its importance in the scientific community.
Of 491 submissions to the Excellent Science program competition, 387 proposals, including three from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, received approval for funding totaling 30,827,818.80 PLN for 2022-2024.
We thank the Ministry of Education and Science for their support and eagerly anticipate a successful and innovative ACIIDS 2022 in Ho Chi Minh City.

2022-01-15: The conference date postponed to November 28-30, 2022

2022-01-15: Conference moved to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

2021-09-16: Conference flyer is now available for download

2021-09-15: ACIIDS 2022 website has launched


Please send all enquiries on matters related to the ACIIDS 2022 conference to one of the following email addresses:

Organizational matters:
Academic matters: