Special Sessions

Special Sessions accepted to date

Doctoral Track
Chairs: Dariusz Król and Bay Vo

MMAML 2017: Special Session on Multiple Model Approach to Machine Learning
Organizers: Tomasz Kajdanowicz, Edwin Lughofer and Bogdan Trawinski

ADMTA 2017: Special Session on Advanced Data Mining Techniques and Applications
Organizers: Tzung-Pei Hong, Bac Le, Tran Minh Quang and Bay Vo

IVMLS 2017: Special Session on Analysis of Image, Video and Motion Data in Life Sciences
Organizers: Konrad Wojciechowski, Marek Kulbacki, Jakub Segen and Andrzej Polański

ILAS 2017: Special Session on Intelligent Learning and Analysis Systems for Unstructured Uncertain Big Data
Organizers: Bharat Singh, Neel Mani, Pandian Vasant and Junzo Watada

ICxS 2017: Special Session on Intelligent and Contextual Systems
Organizer: Maciej Huk, Goutam Chakraborty, Basabi Chakraborty and Qiangfu Zhao

I2FH 2017: Special Session on Intelligent Information Fusion for Healthcare
Organizer: SMN Arosha Senanayake and Minoru Sasaki

InABRAIN 2017: Special Session on Intelligent Algorithms and Brain Functions
Organizer: Andrzej Przybyszewski and Tomasz Rutkowski

ITiB 2017: Special Session on IT in Biomedicine
Organizer: Ondrej Krejcar, Kamil Kuca, Dawit Assefa Haile, Tanos C.C. Franca and Ali Selamat

INWT 2017: Special Session on Innovations in Web Technologies
Organizer: Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko and Leszek Śliwko

ISCEC 2017: Special Session on Intelligent Supply Chains and e-Commerce
Organizer: Arkadiusz Kawa and Bartłomiej Pierański

MAMLAKE 2017: Special Session on Modern Applications of Machine Learning for Actionable Knowledge Extraction
Organizer: Waseem Ahmad, Paul Leong and Muhammad Usman

ISAIS 2017: Special Session on Intelligent Systems and Algorithms in Information Sciences
Organizer: Martin Kotyrba, Eva Volna and Ivan Zelinka

CISTEF 2017: Special Session on Collective Intelligence for Service Innovation, Technology Management, E-learning and Fuzzy Intelligent Systems
Organizer: Chao-Fu Hong and Kuo-Sui Lin

BigLex 2017: Special Session on Big Data and Language Resources
Organizer: Dosam Hwang and Jason J. Jung

MDSIS 2017: Special Session on Mathematics of Decision Sciences and Information Science
Organizer: Takashi Matsuhisa, Vladimir Mazalov and Pu-Yan Nie

ADS 2017: Special Session on Applications of Data Science
Organizer: Fulufhelo Nelwamondo and Vukosi Marivate

ARPTA 2017: Special Session on Automated Reasoning and Proving Techniques with Applications in Intelligent Systems
Organizer: Jingde Cheng

ICVSA 2017: Special Session on Intelligent Computer Vision Systems and Applications
Organizer: Dariusz Frejlichowski, Leszek J. Chmielewski and Piotr Czapiewski

IDAIoT 2017: Special Session on Intelligent Data Analysis, Applications and Technologies for Internet of Things
Organizer: Shunzhi Zhu, Rung Ching Chen and Yung-Fa Huang

CBS 2017: Special Session on Cloud-Based Solutions
Organizer: Vladimir Sobeslav, Ondrej Krejcar, Peter Brida and Peter Mikulecky

TPATIT 2017: Special Session on Technological Perspective of Agile Transformation in IT organizations
Organizer: Cezary Orłowski and Artur Ziółkowski

ITSC 2017: Special Session on Intelligent Technologies in the Smart Cities in the 21st Century
Organizer: Cezary Orłowski, Katarzyna Ossowska, Joanna Kożuch, Liliana Szewc and Arkadiusz Sarzyński

AIAE 2017: Special Session on Artificial Intelligence Applications for E-services
Organizer: Chen-Shu Wang and Deng-Yiv Chiu

ISAEP 2017: Special Session on ICT and Smart Applications for Elderly People
Organizer: Petra Poulova, Ivana Simonova, Blanka Klimova, Ctibor Határ and Tiia Rüütmann

SDABBI 2017: Special Session on Scalable Data Analysis in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Informatics
Organizer: Dariusz Mrozek, Stanisław Kozielski and Bożena Małysiak-Mrozek

IOALA 2017: Special Session on Intelligent Optimisation Algorithms for Logistics Applications
Organizer: Farouk Yalaoui, Habiba Drias and Mauricio C. de Souza

Call for Special Sessions & Workshops

The ACIIDS 2017 invites proposals for Workshops & Special Sessions to be held during the conference.

They intend to provide researchers in focused areas the opportunity to present and discuss their work, as well as to offer a forum for interaction among a broader community of researchers. A Special Session or Workshop will consist of a group of papers in a sub-discipline of Intelligent Information and Database Systems related to the main topics of ACIIDS 2017.

Please send the Workshop / Special Session proposals to Dr. Dariusz Król (dariusz.krol@pwr.edu.pl) with the following information:

  • Title & acronym of the special session & workshop
  • Brief profiles of special session & workshop organizers
  • General description of the special session & workshop scope
  • List of topics
  • Proposed Session Program Committee (to be invited)

The papers will be required to meet the same standards as ACIIDS 2017 papers and will be published in the conference proceedings, in a bound volume by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.

All the Special Sessions and Doctoral Track will be centralized as tracks in the same conference submission and reviewing system as the regular papers.

The organizers will be responsible for the advertisement and promotion of the special session and the conference including the Special Session & Workshop webpage preparation.

The management of papers review will be achieved by Special Session & Workshop Committees, using the Conference System (a separate EasyChair track will be provided for each Special Session & Workshop).

The organizers are responsible for managing the review process. All the reviews should be submitted through the ACIIDS conference system. Each paper should obtain at least two reviews.

The final decision as for the acceptance will be taken by the ACIIDS 2017 Program Committee based on recommendations provided by Special Session & Workshop organizers.

Special Session Chairs

Dariusz Król, WUST, Poland
Kiyoaki Shirai, JAIST, Japan

Proposal Pattern


Please send all enquiries on matters related to the ACIIDS 2017 conference to one of the following email addresses:

Organizational issues:
Special sessions: